Member-only story


Henry Johnson LR
2 min readDec 11, 2020

This pandemic teaches us that we, as the human race, are all in this together. Our lives have been affected in some way or the other. And, if we don’t learn to love our fellow Americans and live in peace and harmony with each other, in times like these, we’ll perish. Hate got us here. Some of you and your racist grandparents freaked out due to Obama’s Presidency. “Oh, we are losing our country?!!” Our country?! Some of you didn’t vote, and for those of you who did, you picked a bankrupt businessman who didn’t have any clue of what he was and is still doing. And, only his privileges were in the way. For the past four years, sound Americans dealt with a racist, a proud misogynist, White Supremacist, blind and divisive clown leading their nation. Can you imagine that?! That’s what hate gave, and all of our lives have been affected, one way or the other.

Learn from this! Learn to love your neighbor more because we are all God’s children, and hate and race became an idea in this country because White supremacy made it so. After this pandemic, we must simply be our brothers’ keepers, not us (Democrats) versus them (Republicans). This pandemic should serve as the lessons learned. If you aren’t going to learn anything from this pandemic and go back to your old one-way of thinking, living in hate, you’ll see a constant repetition, away from peace and harmony. Diversity is what this country has more than any other nation on the face of the planet. We all made this country “GREAT” and what it is, now and what it will forever be. Learn to love more, care more, get to know your fellow Americans more than pre-judging them and putting them in a box, pray for your country, and live more. And if you have lost a family member in this pandemic, my prayers are with you. Put God first, stays strong, and always stay positive.



Henry Johnson LR
Henry Johnson LR

Written by Henry Johnson LR

I am a Liberian-born American writer with great ideas to impact lives and leave this world a little better than I found it.

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