The Myth of Racial Color Blindness.

Henry Johnson LR
2 min readJun 9, 2020

First, let’s focus on the “COLORBLIND IDEOLOGY.” To break the truth to some of you, the colorblind Ideology is a form of racism. We cannot end racism in this country unless we start to challenge the “colorblind” ideology. Colorblindness is not the answer, multiculturalism is. Over time, in this country, the idea of colorblindness has a myth of a “post-racial” society where people “don’t see color.” Hmm…? Really? America is colored. And to be honest, some, if not most Americans are not colorblind because America is not post-racial.



Henry Johnson LR

I am a Liberian-born American writer with great ideas to impact lives and leave this world a little better than I found it.