The System gave you Master Sergeant Samuel Kanyon Doe and Ghankay.

Henry Johnson LR
4 min readNov 14, 2017

The system by Henry Johnson Jr.

The system gives you Master Sergeant Samuel Kanyon Doe, Charles McArthur Ghankay Taylor, and Amb. George Oppong Weah. So, if you can’t fix the system, you’ll come to repeat the system. If you can’t address the system, the system will address you. If you can’t change the system, the system will change you. If you can’t learn from history, you begin to repeat it.

The system told you that educated Liberians from the West were and are always superior to the Educated Liberians back home because one is from a developed world and the other is from an Underprivileged world. If you can’t address the fallacies, you come to think in those terms. The system had somewhat brainwashed the masses, and states, “an educated man is way qualified to govern than a patriot who’s third-grade education is not of equal.” But when we come to judge others by their education then their actions, we come to neglect “the content of character.”

A character speaks louder than education.A “CHARACTER” speaks for a man/woman in life and after death. History shows us that Doe and Taylor’s character spoke, but still, we did repeat history by electing Pres. Sirleaf, who was part of the system. Do you think that those who are now part of the (Sirleaf’s Govt.) system will ever come to…



Henry Johnson LR

I am a Liberian-born American writer with great ideas to impact lives and leave this world a little better than I found it.